What makes you do these things?
Our Personality Type/ Style (and knowing it ) - gives you valuable insight into the 'why' you do what you do... In my case I know it's because I have a deep need to connect and help others. (That and I am stubborn) - these values drive my behaviour - you would think by now I would know to walk away if things are not working out. (This applies to relationships as well) If you have a deep desire to know the 'why' behind what you do... first take my complementary Quiz - then contact me for a private session... I guarantee you will walk away with some AHA's. So kick back... do the quiz and - we will talk! BTW watch my video - it would make me feel better if someone at least watched and appreciated...lol enough about me - on to. you... https://www.ireneanderson.com/communication-quiz.html |
About IreneI love to help people become their best selves. transition and change is with us always, we are constantly re-inventing ourselves and that requires commitment and a process. Older Posts
January 2022