![]() Just do one thing! Start to finish - that's the key to success! Hmm... Certainly that's been the advice of the gurus from Canfield to Tracey - both of whom I admire. However does that work for everyone? NO! The answer is knowing your Personality Type - then understanding how to work within that framework to focus the way you like to focus and celebrate accomplishing things your way. Right now, on my desk I have 'piles' - many different piles. Today, it's the beginnings of two Toastmaster's speeches. Feedback from a speech I just delivered, my notes from a Mastermind session I attended this morning - and notes for website updates that need to be made - pronto... OH! and off to the side, there is a pile of content that has to compiled for a group coaching program I am developing, and of course my gratitude journal. - and OK another book I just pulled out for reference. Whew! Some of you may be thinking - how on earth does anything get accomplished - yet it does. My Personality Type according to the MBTI is INFP - the dominant cognitive process (basically how our brain works) in operation is called ' Extraverting Intuiting'. What the heck does that mean? In a nutshell 'drawn to change "what is" for "what could possibly be" -looking for threads of meaning through multiple contexts. Also the 'P' on the end of my type code shows how I approach life and work: - I enjoy starting things - Solve problems as they crop up - Enjoy looking at new information (shiny objects) - Leave options open as long as possible - Feel that play and work co-exist - Focus on options You can see that these traits may drive someone who is task and time focussed into a tailspin of horror - but it works for me. Once you know the 'why' you work the way you do - you can relax and just be you and the work will flow. Try to be someone else or use their system of being and doing will leave you feeling that somehow you are lacking. I proudly claim my 'piles' - the work will get done in my 'Einstein' moment - more on that next time... Want to learn more about your Personality Type and how it drives you ? email Irene for a quick consult call. |
About IreneI love to help people become their best selves. transition and change is with us always, we are constantly re-inventing ourselves and that requires commitment and a process. Older Posts
January 2022